Macro and Flowers

P. Caerulea
P. Caerulea
Light painting
Light painting
Foliage in Vermont
Foliage in Vermont
Just a leaf (Monza, Italy)
Just a leaf (Monza, Italy)
Monarch batterfly and the Zinnia
Monarch batterfly and the Zinnia
Bee on Borage (Borago officinalis)
Bee on Borage (Borago officinalis)
Eastern tiger swallowtail
Eastern tiger swallowtail
Eastern tiger swallowtail on the Zinnia
Eastern tiger swallowtail on the Zinnia
Bee on Mint flower
Bee on Mint flower
Monarch batterfly
Monarch batterfly
Ant in the backyard
Ant in the backyard
Ant in the backyard
Ant in the backyard
Metallic Green Bottle Fly
Metallic Green Bottle Fly
P. Tucumanensis
P. Tucumanensis
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